soundcloud has only been letting me go back 3 days so I miss more than half the week.
which i was fine with for awhile because ive been depressed and lazy but i missed a preripped release and that's unacceptable.
the idea was to listen to more new music and stream is just full of reposts.
The sound cloud API search API requires a track title but does have the data range. I guess I could use each artists I follow and call the query each time.
I did have to use scraping to do word of the day for one my apps and track date would be really easy to scrape for.
But how to program to each track page?
Idk new project.
hospitalterrorizer - give us a holy war so that i may die
metal core
tom marsi - the slime of my life
emosurfer - antidepressants ep
evilestpetshop - ola oso te traje flores!!!!